You Matter.

A simple enough message but one that we’ve held onto since we began as a project in the 2018. We aim to push mental health to the forefront of public conversation and policy to instill hope. Mental health matters. You matter. The Gray Matters.

Let’s make a world that reflects that.

man holding a sign that says Keep Going;
Kevin Atwood and Haley Degreve with a framed photo of Foster Atwood

The Gray Matters began with a mental health campaign at Augustana College in 2018 led by Haley DeGreve and Kevin Donovan. The two set out to make a statement: mental health is important, and we need to see change. Today, we are a mental health awareness and suicide prevention movement. An official 501©3 incorporated nonprofit. Most importantly, we are a collective.

We want to help you to change the world. Right here, right now.

As suicide is the second leading cause of death in ages 10-24 in America, our mission is focused on providing resources, education, & community to young people and those in the "gray". We believe mental health isn't a black and white issue. Many get lost in the "gray area" of not knowing what to do, what to say, and how to help someone struggling. We aim to empower people to become mental health advocates and save lives. By educating, building community, and bringing mental health awareness to anyone and everyone who needs it, we are working to create a world without suicide. Because every person matters.

We can't do it alone. We need your help.

We have chapters in local high schools, colleges, workplaces — you name it. We empower students, working adults, and others to have the tools and knowledge to be mental health advocates and make a real difference in our world. We give presentations on how to help yourself with mental health challenges, how to help others, and how to talk about the topic. Why? Because we believe your life matters and we need you here.

Let’s work together to create a world without suicide.